Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you.write a 2-4 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life or to the life of a family member or close friend.

Sociological Theories Research Methods Culture Society and Social Interaction Socialization Groups and Organizations Deviance Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you.write a 2–4 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life OR to the life of a family member or close … Read more

Develop theories and practices of verbal and non-verbal communications, to a range of professional audiences. 

Research methods for evidence based policing Develop theories and practices of verbal and non-verbal communications, to a range of professional audiences. “Which research method is most suitable for assessing the contemporary reality of policing?” Find a published journal article which has used a research method to look at something to do with crime or policing. … Read more