Explain what the Christian faith says about compassion for those who are oppressed and/or marginalized and how you see that applying or not applying to these issues of diversity.

Ethnocentrism and racism are factors that can adversely affect the growth and development of minority group members. Because ethnic and racial conflict play a significant role in human history and current events, you will take time to reflect on these topics and then write a paper addressing the following: 1) Introductory paragraph that introduces the … Read more

Briefly explain how the author of ” What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.Cory Collins differentiates between bias and racism. How does he explain they differ, and how do they relate to each other.

“What is White Privilege Really?” To gain a background understanding for our upcoming course readings, read the brief article “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site. https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really and follow the steps below: 1) Briefly explain how the author of “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.Cory Collins differentiates between bias and … Read more