Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.

Comparing Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy with Other Approaches In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected. Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP. Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was … Read more

Explain how the use of CBT in groups compares to its use in family or individual settings.

Psychotherapy. Explain how the use of CBT in groups compares to its use in family or individual settings. Explain at least two challenges PMHNPs might encounter when using CBT in one of these settings. Support your response with specific examples from media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting … Read more

Critically discuss theory and research relevant to the client’s clinical presentation.

Assessment of clients for counselling and psychotherapy. The client details: Age: 29th years. Gender: Male Ethnicity: British Sexual orientation: heterosexual Religion: not known Number of sessions so far: 6 sessions Number of sessions of therapy in total: ongoing length Client problems: childhood trauma, social anxiety and Depression, fear of separation. Critically discuss theory and research … Read more

Compare and contrast the following forms of psychotherapy: cognitive, humanistic, and behavioral. Identify the focus of each approach as well as areas of agreement and difference. Which one do you think works best?

Compare and contrast. Compare and contrast the following forms of psychotherapy: cognitive, humanistic, and behavioral. Identify the focus of each approach as well as areas of agreement and difference. Which one do you think works best?

Examine violations of power and trust.List examples of people who may potentially have some power over you or have information you have entrusted to them.

Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy APA style paper Examine violations of power and trust.List examples of people who may potentially have some power over you or have information you have entrusted to them. How might they be able to use this information against you? Why can your therapist not be the same person whom you … Read more

What evidence supports the claim and how strong is that evidence?Is there evidence that does not support the claim and how strong is the opposing evidence?

Trauma It is commonly claimed that people who experience trauma, especially childhood trauma, forget the event as a result of what Freud called repression, but may later recall it either spontaneously or as a result of various forms of psychotherapy. For this assignment, you will research this claim and address the following questions/judgments: What evidence … Read more

Psychology of Counselling and Psychotherapy : What are main issues that the client is presenting, and what additional information would you want to find out?

Psychology of Counselling and Psychotherapy 6psyc005w_Assessed_Case_Study_2022___2_ 1. What are main issues that the client is presenting, and what additional information would you want to find out? 2. What theoretical approach/es would you choose to follow with the client and critically evaluate your choice. 3. How would you evaluate that the approach/es you follow works for … Read more

Professional Organisational Issues in Counselling: explain the use of psychological assessment tools in counselling.

Professional Organisational Issues in Counselling Explain the use of psychological assessment tools in counselling. Evaluate the need for an ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy. Explain the main elements of one recognised ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy. Analyse the similarities and differences between their chosen ethical framework and the requirements of at least one … Read more