Describe the core opportunity, highlight the value proposition/opportunity and their accomplishments.

Discussion 5 Write up that supports your decision about the issue faced by the protagonist in any one of the cases. limit your paper to two pages of single space text in 11-point font, all inclusive of appendices and calculations, if appropriate. No outside research is needed to analyze the cases. Describe the core opportunity, … Read more

Atonement : Discuss the ethics of storytelling in Atonement. Is the narrator-protagonist atoning for a crime or obscuring it? How sincere is her act of repentance? How is atonement related to the problem of narrative perspective?

Atonement Maximum 1000 word critical essay on the book Atonement by Ian McEwan based off of a prompt. Required quotes as analytic evidence. “Ian McEwan’s Atonement explores the ethics of storytelling. The ethical problem is closely related to the problem of narrative perspective (i.e., the gap between the internal and external viewpoints). For most of … Read more

Characterization : Choose a character of your choice and write an analysis of the character you find particularly interesting.

Characterization Choose a character of your choice and write an analysis of the character you find particularly interesting. This character does not necessarily have to be the story’s protagonist. Is their name significant or meaningful in some fashion? What does the character;s physical description implies? What do their thoughts  reveal about their nature? If the … Read more

Write a character analysis on the protagonist from the short story Edgar Allen poe the tell-tale heart.

Character analysis Write a character analysis on the protagonist from the short story Edgar Allen poe the tell-tale heart. This essay should contain: 1. Quotes and paraphrases to support your main points. 2. This evidence must have in text citations 3.must contain works cited 4. The words “you and your” are not allowed to be … Read more