Pros and cons of technology: Discuss the pros and cons of technology for Business.Reflect and explain the ways in which technology is enabling firms to be more efficient and successful, and the challenges/limitations that you foresee.

Pros and cons of technology •Discuss the pros and cons of technology for Business. •Reflect and explain the ways in which technology is enabling firms to be more efficient and successful, and the challenges/limitations that you foresee.

Develop a pros and cons list to determine if you should take the job.provide a sufficient background of the organization and then, in an essay format discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

You have been offered a job with the American Public Health Association. You were not sure if it was a for-profit or nonprofit organization and whether their mission is to make money or help people. You want to make sure that this will be a good fit for you. Find and visit their website and … Read more

Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health.

The topic for this research paper was more of a free write, I decided to Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health. There isn’t a wrong way to write this paper, my professor let my class and I choose any topic we wish to focus … Read more