Using your Primary Source Essay as a foundation and expand on and strengthen your independent argument, adding to the support from the primary source, by utilizing the secondary sources you found and discussed in your Secondary Source Analysis Essay.

Primary Source Essay Using your Primary Source Essay as a foundation and expand on and strengthen your independent argument, adding to the support from the primary source, by utilizing the secondary sources you found and discussed in your Secondary Source Analysis Essay. Requirements: 1500-2000 words MLA 8th edition    

Primary source : Describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery, its history, and its interest.

Primary source Describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery, its history, and its interest.

Develop your primary source analysis paper by choosing two secondary sources and putting them into conversation with each other and with your own ideas and analysis of the primary source artifact.

In 4-5 double spaced pages: By now, you have submitted your Primary Source Analysis Paper, conducted research, and have composed your The Annotated Bibliography. For The Secondary Source Integration Paper, you want to revisit and review the feedback you received on the Primary Source Analysis Paper and review the sources you included in your Annotated … Read more

Oral Presentation Summary: replace the bracketed text with information from a secondary source of your choice.

Oral Presentation Summary Replace the bracketed text with information from a secondary source of your choice. Identify author and describe potential biases. Identify  arguments. What primary sources did the source rely on? Is the source reliable and convincing? Why or why not? How does the source relate to your project topic? How does it add … Read more

Redesign primary source newspaper: what are the key takeaways of your redesigned primary source?

Redesign Primary Source Newspaper The New York Times. “The Cholera.” Retrieved from 1865. Use the program or software of your choice to redesign your primary source Newspaper about Cholera if it is savable and viewing the finished product does not require a subscription of some sort. i) ”Re-write history” (so to speak) by correcting a … Read more