Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beauty among either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.

Popular Culture Influences Ideas About Beauty Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beauty among either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.

Jazz Music: A Driving Force for the Civil Rights Movement: explore the relationship between your chosen piece of popular culture and some social issue such as age, race, gender, class, religion and immigration.

Jazz Music: A Driving Force for the Civil Rights Movement? For this paper, choose a relatively “unsophisticated” form of popular art for analysis. When you choose a type, or genre, be sure that it is a coherent genre; not “popular music” but, say, “sentimental love songs of the 1950s” or “goth rock of early 1980s”; … Read more