What is the relationship between politics, people, place, and the infrastructural system?

LOS ANGELES UNION STATION What is the relationship between politics, people, place, and the infrastructural system? Who ushered the system into existence? Who benefits from it? Is there a power imbalance somewhere in the process of development and use? Does that power imbalance ever shift? Does the system interact with ideas of nature, progress, the … Read more

What is truth? In Science? In Politics? In our Society? Where does it begin and end? How much truth can we take? Where does our truth come from? Once we establish our belief system, how often do we question our truth, if ever? How does Truth encounter Justice? Who seeks Justice? Why?

SEEKING TRUTH AND JUSTICE What is truth? In Science? In Politics? In our Society? Where does it begin and end? How much truth can we take? Where does our truth come from? Once we establish our belief system, how often do we question our truth, if ever? How does Truth encounter Justice? Who seeks Justice? … Read more

Choose Two or More of the following themes for Microaggressions and write about them

Racism, Privilege, Microaggressions, Unconscious Bias. Choose Two or More of the following themes for Microaggressions and write about them: -Alien in one’s own land -Ascription of intelligence -Color Blindness -Pathologizing Cultural Values or Communication Styles -Second-Class Citizen -Criminality or Assumption of Criminal Status -Prejudicing and Stereotyping -Myth of Meritocracy, Denial of Individual Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism … Read more

What one idea that came out of the Enlightenment period had a major impact on the politics and nations of the modern world?

Enlightenment period. What one idea that came out of the Enlightenment period had a major impact on the politics and nations of the modern world? Instructions: A. Select ONE of the following ideas from the Enlightenment that you believe had the most impact on the modern world: • Natural Rights • Social Contract • Separation … Read more

Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act : Who benefits the most when policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation.

Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Who benefits the most when policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation. Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Explain how analyses of the voters views may affect … Read more

Power, Politics and Culture : Write a 5–7 page report that addresses the following:Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture.

Power, Politics and Culture Write a 5–7 page report that addresses the following: Influence of Politics and Power: Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture. Sources of Power: Explore at least one source of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit the department and improve organizational performance. … Read more

Explain how social movements will shape politics?

Explain how social movements will shape politics? What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)? Will the movements accomplish their goals, or have unexpected side effects? Draw on theories discussed … Read more

Discuss the punitive criminal justice policies implemented at the end of the 20th century and their impact on the criminal justice system (including law enforcement, the courts, and corrections).

Discuss the punitive criminal justice policies implemented at the end of the 20th century and their impact on the criminal justice system (including law enforcement, the courts, and corrections) question #2 (its own separate 3-page essay) Discuss the relationship between politics and criminal justice policy *your sources can not be internet sources must be scholarly … Read more