Read Girl by Jamaica Kincade and analyze how women are portrayed in poems.

The portrayal of gender in poetry. Read Girl by Jamaica Kincade and analyze how women are portrayed in poems. What assumptions are made about women in this poem? What expectations make a girl “ladylike”? Compare the work to If by Rudyard Kipling. Why is there less expected of boys in order to be considered a … Read more

Storytelling and Poetry: select one of your favorite rhymes/poems and copy/paste it into your discussion post then describe how you would present it to a group of children.

Storytelling and Poetry Select one of your favorite rhymes/poems and copy/paste it into your discussion post then describe how you would present it to a group of children. How would you introduce the poem?Describe props you would use. How would you connect the poem to written language?How would you communicate to the parents and families … Read more