Descartes hails as a great victory over the “Evil Demon” the claim that despite every doubt, he cannot be deceived in thinking that he exists. Just what, in particular, does he really have the right to know, based on that claim? Discuss the consequences of Descartes’ argument in the context of his Meditations and overall philosophical project.

Philosophy Write an essay of about  2000-2500  words on one of the following topics.Explain clearly the views and arguments you discuss and your own view of the topic. You should also try to identify the greatest weaknesses of views and arguments you discuss, and whether you think they can be replied to. Essays should  be … Read more

Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality?

Nature of Reality 1.Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality? 2.Explain Descartes method in his Meditations on First Philosophy. How does does his doubt lead to the certainty of “cogito ergo sum.” … Read more

Pick one philosopher : Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Arendt and one concept, argument, or theory related to the philosopher you have chosen and write a short essay explaining the philosopher’s understanding of the concept, argument, or theory.

Philosophy Essay 1. Pick one philosopher : Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Arendt and one concept, argument, or theory related to the philosopher you have chosen and write a short essay explaining the philosopher’s understanding of the concept, argument, or theory. 2. This is not an argumentative essay, it is explanatory, demonstrating knowledge of the … Read more

Hallelujah:What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world?

Hallelujah Evaluate a piece of media from Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen tand then answer the following: What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world? Does it display, for example, the belief that all is physical or material? Does it allude to reality that cannot be measured scientifically? How … Read more

Interpretation of the Allegory of the Cave: how does Plato’s allegory of the cave represent the education of the philosopher?

Interpretation of the Allegory of the Cave How does Plato’s allegory of the cave represent the education of the philosopher? What are the obstacles to seeking and attaining wisdom? What are the rewards? Consider carefully the different symbols of the allegory. In what way can humankind be seen as living in darkness and ignorance? How … Read more

Plato or Aristotle?compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle’s explanation and justification for the state or government.

Plato or Aristotle? Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle’s explanation and justification for the state or government. When writing your answer address the following specific concerns: 1) what method(s) do the philosophers rely on to make their case? 2) Who should rule and why should they rule? 3) What is the primary purpose of the … Read more

Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy.

Prompt: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy Democracy. Is democracy really the best regime (as we are likely to think)? Why or why not? Advice: •Your first and most important task in this essay is to demonstrate that you understand Plato and Aristotle. You will need to reconstruct their arguments in your … Read more