Identify relevant object/area/feature/environment for this assignment.

Find the Images icon on the menu and select Upload Image. Photography project Instruction: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to be a sociologically informed photojournalist. You have been tasked with bringing attention to an issue (or social problem) affecting your community. Your goal is to use a photograph to inform the public about … Read more

Write an essay that describes photography’s impact on Modernism, and on painting in particular.

Photography Write an essay that describes photography’s impact on Modernism, and on painting in particular. For this choice, you will need to write at least 2 pages and include: At least 3 images/photographers or painters. Describe how photography changed the priorities of painting beginning in the 1840s. Describe how Alfred Stieglitz and Gallery 291 became … Read more

Look at how Alexey Brodovitch made images come alive, and then find one image online, or one of your own, and compare it with Brodovitch’s work and write a 300 word reflection on your process of discovery concerning the importance of composition and pre-visualisation.

Photography The idea of composition is based on the organization of information in a tangible way that makes sense and allows the viewer to ‘read’ the image clearly. Is this absolutely necessary can we challenge preconceptions and our viewers when they look at our work? Look at how Alexey Brodovitch made images come alive, and … Read more

Look at how Alexey Brodovitch made images come alive, and then find one image online, or one of your own, and compare it with Brodovitch’s work and write a 300 word reflection on your process of discovery concerning the importance of composition and previsualisation.

Photography. The idea of composition is based on the organization of information in a tangible way that makes sense and allows the viewer to ‘read’ the image clearly. Is this absolutely necessary- can we challenge preconceptions and our viewers when they look at our work? Look at how Alexey Brodovitch made images come alive, … Read more

Think and discuss about how photographs and words work together. Explain how each communicate in different ways but together they can be very powerful.

Photography The magazine feature shooting and writing In the area where you live, research, photograph, edit and write a magazine feature. Aim for around 8-10 photographs and around 500-100 words that will really explore your chosen subject and tell the story in an engagingway.Think and discuss about how photographs and words work together. Explain how … Read more