Peter Singer on Charity: Give one or two of the strongest objections you can think of against Peter Singer’s conclusion. How would Singer respond? 

 Peter Singer on Charity Last summer, Prof. Rude and his family spent $2,000 to go on a vacation in Chile. Instead of booking the trip, he could have donated that money to a charity that likely would have saved a child’s life. According to Peter Singer, Prof. Rude did something morally wrong: he should have … Read more

Animal Liberation: provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal liberation .

Animal Liberation •Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation . •Support your position and anticipate counter-arguments. Try to spend an equal amount of time on the strengths and weaknesses. You may rely on and cite other in-class sources, such as Pollan or Gruen.