Discuss why this periodization method is appropriate for the sport you chose.

Case Study: Pick a sport or physical event. -Analyze the contribution from each of the three energy pathways; analyze the specific movement patterns and performance-related skills used in the sport. -Pick a periodization scheme (i.e. block periodization, reverse linear, concurrent, etc.). Discuss why this periodization method is appropriate for the sport you chose. -Design a … Read more

Write Proper resistance training prescription for the purpose of improving performance and preventing injury

Exercise science internship programming project. Create a program based off of the programming project instructions. The setting of my project is a general outpatient physical therapy clinic. Programming Project Description: Developing safe and effective training programs to enhance athletic performance based on current evidence includes: – An in-depth needs analysis allows the strength and conditioning … Read more

Athelete Analysis: create the off-season, pre-season and in-season phases/cycles for the athlete using the principles of periodization.

Athelete Analysis. Create the off-season, pre-season and in-season phases/cycles for the athlete using the principles of periodization. Phases/cycles should include the duration of each part of the yearly plan with the number of weeks that each part is followed, and an overview of the relative volume, intensity, and energy systems emphasized. The rationale must be … Read more