Collect data and analyze usable information about the community residents. Data gathering involves compiling information that already exists.

Synthesis Paper Wake County, North Carolina. Address the following criteria in your paper and identify/label paper sections following APA guidelines. Phase One: Define the Community 1. Name of Community: Wake County, North Carolina 2. Location, boundaries, size in miles/acres, physical environment including any environmental hazards Phase Two: Assessment Collect data and analyze usable information about … Read more

The storm : Read this paragraph and write a summary of what you like about it, what you know about it, or what you agree

The storm Read this paragraph and write a summary of what you like about it, what you know about it, or what you agree MAKE SURE THAT YOU ADD SOMETHING NEW to the discussion. Unaffected by the storm, thousands of people in the surrounding area would be expected to pack trucks and travel to the … Read more

Raleigh, North Carolina: in 3-4 pages (double spaced) provide a summary of what you found and what implications that information has on policing this city

Raleigh, North Carolina 1. Pick a city in NC that has a population of at least 50,000 – Raleigh, North Carolina 2. Find the most recent violent crime statistics for that city and provide the biographical information of the suspects and victims. 3. In 3-4 pages (double spaced) provide a summary of what you found … Read more

Find a North Carolina current event on an environmental health topic and submit a summary of it.

Find a North Carolina current event on an environmental health topic and submit a summary of it. Using the form provided, the submission must include the following: 1) title/name of the current event; 2) the source (website, newspaper name, etc.) from which the information was retrieved, the date it was written and the link to … Read more

Is North Carolina an Open Carry State, what does that mean?what are the requirements to obtain a concealed Carry permit in the state of NC?what is the cost?hould states require a psychological evaluation signed by a medical examiner before allowing citizens to purchase a firearm?

Firearms Laws for the state of North Carolina 1. Research the firearms laws for the state of North Carolina. Is North Carolina an Open Carry State, what does that mean? What are the requirements to obtain a Concealed Carry permit in the state of NC? What is the cost? Should states require a psychological evaluation … Read more