Using primary source readings and specific historical examples, explain the various challenges that faced the people of the British colonies in North America as they struggled to define themselves, considered independence, declared and fought for independence from Great Britain, and then set about creating a set of national civic institutions and processes to match their evolving civic values.

Midterm- challenges that faced the people of the  British colonies in North America as they struggled to define themselves Nation-building is complicated business, and the United States broke new ground in establishing an independent democratic republic back in the later 18th century. Using primary source readings and specific historical examples, explain the various challenges that … Read more

Revolution : To what extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution?

Revolution To what extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution? How did politicians and political acts impact, expand, or limit the institution of slavery throughout its existence in North America? Construct an essay where you evaluate and ultimately judge the impacts specific … Read more

Human rights: hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century?how does Hunt answer her own question?

Human rights Hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century? How does Hunt answer her own question? Hunt raises the point that human rights are claimed to be “self-evident.” But if this were the case, why … Read more

Discuss the expansion of American influence across North America, Latin America, and Asia during this period.

Consider the American Empire of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Citing specific examples, discuss the expansion of American influence across North America, Latin America, and Asia during this period. How have various leaders justified America’s domination of underdeveloped regions of the world? What was the impact of America’s Manifest Destiny? Please focus your … Read more