Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime.

Hate crime Length: approx. 2000 words Aims/Objectives: Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime. Respond to your chosen topic by employing three genres or styles of writing discussed in class: A letter to the editor, 300 words A tweet (maximum 140 characters, unlimited hashtags. i.e. not … Read more

Muslims in Minority: what are the major issues faced by the muslims of India.

Muslims in Minority Muslims are qualified to be a minority or in reference to different factors. What are the major issues faced by the Muslims of India. Explain why the Muslims of India face oppression despite being the largest minority group and a major part of Indian population. What is the role of Indian Media … Read more