Evaluate the burden of substance abuse among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US.

Substance abuse challenge on workers compensation claims in OH. 1. Evaluate the burden of substance abuse among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US. 2. Establish through available data the high incidence of substance abuse and the correlation with occupational injuries and fatalities in the workplace, nationally and in … Read more

Consumer behavior : Develop a critical conclusion on the impact of servicescape elements on the behavior of consumers on a separate slide.

Consumer behavior 1) Search for 10 scientific studies published on academic journals and conduct a systematic review on the impact of servicescape on consumer behavior. Include: Main research aim Overall description of the methodology. Key findings. 2) Develop a critical conclusion on the impact of servicescape elements on the behavior of consumers on a separate … Read more

Poster Presentation : Produce a poster presentation in which you report on your research using some or all of the following:

Poster Presentation Produce a poster presentation in which you report on your research using some or all of the following: Colour. Images . Graphical representation of data. Your poster should include the following sections: Introduction Methodology Literature Review Expected Findings References  

Foundation Year Project : Demonstrate an ability to undertake a project involving plan, execute, analyse findings, and draw conclusions for an investigation with specified aims and objectives identified.

Foundation Year Project Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an ability to undertake a project involving plan, execute, analyze findings, and draw conclusions for an investigation with specified aims and objectives identified. 2. Enable students to manage their time effectively in conduction a project and, as a consequence, enhance their academic skills 3. Enable students to communicate … Read more

Capital: Explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

Capital •Explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology. •Explain how a company raises capital through the issuance of equities. (Two-three paragraphs each)

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research.

1) In your own words: Provide a summary of the methodology. The summary of methodology should include information such as the sample size, sampling method, description of the subjects included in the sample, where the study took place, if the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal, and how the data were collected. Present the findings.Discuss the … Read more

Undertake a small-scale empirical study, and write up the project methodology.

Undertake a small-scale empirical study, and write up the project methodology. In your written assignment, provide a detailed outline of, and justification for, the methodology and methods employed as well as a reflexive account of the experience of doing the research, making reference to the research methods literature and any appropriate examples of other studies. … Read more

Briefly describe the methodology, key numerical results and conclusions of the article paraphrased in your own words .

Introduction  Succinctly and clearly state the topic you are going to address. Why it is important? (Include relevant epidemiologic data) Literature Review  Discuss at least 5 research articles from peer-reviewed literature that evaluate the outcomes of the policy, practice, or intervention. At least 4 of these 5 articles must be primary research; one may be … Read more

Write an analysis of the article that addresses ALL of the following:

Write an analysis of the article that addresses ALL of the following (650-750 words should be enough): Summarize in a few sentences the article, being sure to state clearly what the author is trying to PROVE. As you summarize/synthesize, make sure you provide the reader with a clear understanding of the who, what, when, where, … Read more