Describe and differentiate between different theories of crime.

talk about criminals Describe and differentiate between different theories of crime. Apply and evaluate theories to help explain real acts of crime and deviance. You will be graded based on your writing, structuring of the paper, accuracy of your description of the theories, and how well you apply and compare/contrast the theories. First talk about … Read more

Imagine that Amos is alive in our time. What situation that you think your Amos would address? Who your Amos would be? Who the audience he/she address? What his/her message would be?

“Amos Applied” a) Imagine that Amos is alive in our time. What situation that you think your Amos would address? Who your Amos would be? Who the audience he/she address? What his/her message would be? b) Explain in 1-2 pages how the situation, the choice of your modern Amos, the people addressed, and the message … Read more

Write a full 4 pages of critical reflection on the presentation: what is your position on the issue of divine justice ? How would you support your position? Are there any counterarguments? If so, how would you deal with them? If you take your position seriously, what implications that you could anticipate?

Divine Justice a) Watch a film entitled “God on Trial”: b) Write a full 4 pages of critical reflection on the presentation: what is your position on the issue of divine justice ? How would you support your position? Are there any counterarguments? If so, how would you deal with them? If you take your … Read more

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earning a graduate degree. Address issues such as whether you are entering the business world for the first time, changing fields, or advancing in a field or organization where you expect to remain. Why have you chosen this particular career?

MBA Essay 300 to 500- preferred 450 Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earning a graduate degree. Address issues such as whether you are entering the business world for the first time, changing fields, or advancing in a field or organization where you expect to remain. Why have you chosen this … Read more

To what extent has Vladimir Putin been motivated by a drive for power compared to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, and how has Putin’s personal ambitions shaped Russia’s relations with the United States?

Vladimir Putin How can personal ambition in politics be harmful?What is Vladimir Putin’s position on ballistic missile defense? What is Vladimir Putin’s “operational code? To what extent has Vladimir Putin been motivated by a drive for power compared to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, and how has Putin’s personal ambitions shaped Russia’s relations with the United … Read more

Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and the lgbtq+ individuals as well as what has been done nowadays to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and what could be done.

Editing script for podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights Edit a script for a podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and the way in which LGBTQ+ individuals have been seen and treated in the United States Armed Forces over history. Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and … Read more