Your insurance agent is sympathetic to having a neighbor who doesn’t seem to care as much as you about fire safety, but he tells you he can’t sell you such insurance, and he doesn’t think any ethical agent will. Why not? What principle of insurance law is involved?

Insurance You own a warehouse in an industrial district. This year you’ve installed the latest sprinkler and other fire remediation measures. You’re proud of the preventive steps you’ve taken, especially when you consider the neighboring warehouse where the owner has installed the bare minimum to comply with fire department regulations. You call your insurance agent … Read more

For both of these options, what kind of payment do you think you would receive if your machinery is destroyed and the actual value of your machinery is established? Explain your answers.

Case Assignment When you bought a business, a complicated custom-made packing machine was included in the sale. You estimate that if the machine were destroyed it would cost $125,000 to replace. You are changing your property insurance, and the new insurance agent is relying on you to provide a value for the packing machine. You … Read more

What do you think? Did you do anything wrong? Are you in violation of copyright law? Explain.

Scenario You are an aspiring singer/songwriter, and while surfing the Internet, you come across the sheet music for a song you think will display your talents well. You don’t see any notice of copyright on the webpage or the sheet music. You see the songwriter’s name and, after doing some internet research, determine that he … Read more

Determine and analyze which of the ACHE ethical guidelines and Healthcare Executive’s policy position statements are applicable HMIS?

Ethical Dilemmas in Health Care Management Information System Review AHIMA Code of Ethics AHIMA Code of Ethics and AMIA Code of Ethics A Code of Ethics for Health Informatics Professionals . Determine and analyze which of the ACHE ethical guidelines and Healthcare Executive’s policy position statements are applicable HMIS? Evaluate the role of HMIS in … Read more

What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why?Illustrate an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses?

Course Management System What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why?Illustrate an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses? Discuss which Canvas tools you will use for group activities? What do you think about using a button to like your students post? Does it … Read more

Describe why an imaging department uses FTE’s and RVU’s as the standard for budgeting.

Technical Information: Your CT scanner contains a list of exams that the technologist can select. These exams each have a CPT code attached to them that gets sent to the RIS for billing. The technologist can select the appropriate exam based on the order but the CPT code is in the background information and is … Read more

Would you recommend a patent, trademark, copyright, or a trade secret? Explain your reasoning and the steps you might take to protect your marinade recipe from competitors.

CASE STUDY You are the owner of a restaurant and have a special recipe for a marinade that you use for rotisserie chicken. Your rotisserie chicken is a big hit, especially in the take-out market, and comprises some 60% of your business. You decide that you need some kind of intellectual property protection for your … Read more

Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper that consists of a plan of action for Stacy to follow at the initial meeting and for a likely mediation.

SLP INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INSURANCE, AND ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) After facing some initial problems in obtaining an additional supply of organic blueberries, Stacy’s business continues to flourish. As it happens, however, Stacy’s commercial kitchen in the industrial park had a visit from a local Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) inspector who discovered a few … Read more

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability : As a security expert analyze what is more important among these three dimensions of security in a system or application.

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, or the CIA triad of security, is introduced in this session. These three dimensions of security may often conflict. Confidentiality and integrity often limit availability. So, a system should provide only what is truly needed. As a security expert analyze what is more important among these three … Read more

How would socialism affect the economic efficiency in the United States?

Socialism How would socialism affect the economic efficiency in the United States? Assignment Expectations The minimum length requirement is 2 full pages . Provide a minimum of at least 2 scholarly sources using APA Style. Provide an APA-formatted title page and use the APA 7th Assignment Template.