Create a Test Plan with two or three test cases that demonstrate your code works as intended.

The coffee shop’s management wants to find out which of the outlets has the highest revenue. Important note: You can use either Anaconda or Colab to work on the Jupyter notebook that you will submit as your final project on Forum: 1 – Start by downloading this Jupyter notebook to your local machine. 2 – … Read more

How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be gendered and sexed by media?

This essay will be about Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media. Questions to stimulate your topic selection: What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How? How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be … Read more

Explain the shift this article represents with its focus on government expenditures and the notion that there is an optimal level of government expenditure.

This article reflects a clear change in thinking about the government’s role in the economy. Economics Problem Set 1.) What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates. 2.) Keynes’ theory was not a radical break from Classical Economics like … Read more

Discuss the potential vulnerabilities and propose countermeasures based on industry best practices and standards.

Engineering Question Develop a robust cybersecurity strategy for a smart grid system to protect against cyber threats and ensure the reliable operation of the power grid. Consider encryption, intrusion detection systems, authentication mechanisms, and incident response protocols. Discuss the potential vulnerabilities and propose countermeasures based on industry best practices and standards.  

Did you think that any of the ideas were not fully explained?

FINAL PROJECT HANDOUT For your final project, you will create and present a PowerPoint presentation (via Youtube or Loom) on one chapter in the textbook. You may choose from any of the chapter. Submissions will be uploaded via CANVAS. Regarding your recordings aim for a 10-minute presentation. The goals of the project are two-fold: (1) … Read more

identify control measures you would use to mitigate the hazards and enter those into the last column.

OSH 4306 Risk Management Job Hazard Analysis Job Hazard Analysis Select a job that you or a member of your family do at home on a regular basis. Be sure the job has at least five distinct steps. Using the JHA template (click here), list the job steps in order in the Job Steps column. … Read more

Evaluate the impact of recent technological developments on the future of the global economy.

Academic language skills Formative Writing Task Select information in the text provided to answer this question in a short essay. Question: Evaluate the impact of recent technological developments on the future of the global economy. Read the text provided only: you should not do your own research. Include at least two in-text citations. (from the … Read more

Briefly explain the reasons for choosing the companies as your portfolio of investment

 ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE Choose THREE companies to form a portfolio of The companies can be diversified across different industries or from a single industry. Before making any selection, based from the fundamental information that you gathered from the search (for example the companies’ earnings, stock price historical performance, dividends, earnings per share (EPS), beta etc) … Read more

Provide an analysis of social change regarding the issues presented in the book and consider how critical race theory should play a role in that change.

Provide a personal reflection of your thoughts on the book. Writing Question Read the book Inventing Latinos and write a theory analysis and application essay that addresses the following: • Summarize the book Inventing Latinos. • Analyze how critical race theory is used/not used/applied in the book. • Choose at least 5 examples of critical … Read more