In your view, what are the most insightful points that McRaven makes? Why do you view these points as especially insightful?

McRaven’s Advice on Living a Good Life and Making the World Better This discussion assignment relates to Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Speech delivered at the University of Texas. In his speech, McRaven gives ten pieces of advice based on lessons he learned during Navy SEAL training. His hope is that his advice will help us both … Read more

Can you relate to Chapter 1 and 10 in Admiral William H. McRaven’s Make Your Bed? How? Can what the Admiral says in these two chapters give you encouragement in working toward your future goals/career?

Admiral William H. McRaven Make Your Bed Essay  Can you relate to Chapter 1 and 10 in Admiral William H. McRaven’s Make Your Bed? How? Can what the Admiral says in these two chapters give you encouragement in working toward your future goals/career? In your essay, write about your goals. How do you plan to … Read more