Compose an original, long-form piece of storytelling which should demonstrate your skills as an interviewer and researcher.

Journalism Compose an original, long-form piece of storytelling which should demonstrate your skills as an interviewer and researcher. It should be 2,000 words. When you submit it, indicate the magazine, newspaper or website you believe would be most suitable for your feature.  

Using a newspaper or magazine, select a story that was published within the last month,conduct research on its topic, and write an expository research paper.

Food Insecurities Using a newspaper or magazine, select a story that was published within the last month,conduct research on its topic, and write an expository research paper. Your paper should: Clearly introduce the topic within the first paragraph Have an original title that signals your topic Contain page numbers. Ten in-text citations, ten works cited … Read more

Think and discuss about how photographs and words work together. Explain how each communicate in different ways but together they can be very powerful.

Photography The magazine feature shooting and writing In the area where you live, research, photograph, edit and write a magazine feature. Aim for around 8-10 photographs and around 500-100 words that will really explore your chosen subject and tell the story in an engagingway.Think and discuss about how photographs and words work together. Explain how … Read more

Focus on one aspect of perceptual development one of the senses.create a toy to foster this area of growth. what do you need to consider?  

Ch 6 & 7 activity Ch. 6 •Focus on one aspect of perceptual development one of the senses. Create a toy to foster this area of growth. What do you need to consider? •After reading this chapter, imagine that you are planning a parent meeting for your infant toddler program. The topic is perceptual development. … Read more