Select a creative or artistic work and explain some of the key concepts, questions, or ideas of your chosen literary theory, including an in-text citation for your source(s).

Literary Criticism Part 1. Choose one of the Schools of Literary Criticism from Unit 1.Learn more about your chosen literary theory using the credible, scholarly sources included in this unit. Select a creative or artistic work and explain some of the key concepts, questions, or ideas of your chosen literary theory, including an in-text citation … Read more

Literary Criticism: Write an analysis of the poem from the New Criticism perspective, closely examining the form and content of the text itself without any reference to the historical or biographical context or to your personal response to the poem.

Literary Criticism New Criticism was a school of literary criticism that emerged in the mid-twentieth century. It rejected the traditional critical view that literature should be studied in the context of the author’s life, views, and purpose. Instead, New Critics such as John Crowe Ransom and William K. Wimsatt stated that a work of literature must be … Read more

Thinking Critically about Writing: explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view that bias does in fact, exist, or suggests another inherent meaning.

Thinking Critically about Writing • Choose a short story, play or poem. Relying upon your own analysis and literary critics you find, draw upon those earlier examples of literary criticism, to aid you to identify possible bias . Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. • Explore literary criticism that either supports … Read more