Explain the exception to this rule as it relates to contracts for Necessaries.

Legal Environment of Business (low101)             Discussion post (100 words) and one response to peer. In our study of chapter 16 we learned that minors (those under the age of 18) have only limited capacity to contract.  Explain the exception to this rule as it relates to contracts for Necessaries.  … Read more

Are Hal and Sophia’s demands reasonable-Do you think the recipes constitute trade secrets?

Can you think of a business solution that would help Jack, Hal, and Sophia resolve their difference Sophia and Hal Questions Do Sophia and Hal have valid grounds for asking Jack to sign a noncompete agreement’? Assume Jack signs the noncompete agreement. Two years later, he opens a restaurant five miles away. If Hal then … Read more

Consider the process of writing prescriptions, and think about strategies to avoid medication errors. Explain the process of writing prescriptions and include strategies to minimize medication errors.

Legal paper You are working as an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic. You unintentionally make an error when prescribing a drug to a patient. You do not think the patient knows that you made the error. Consider the ethical implications of disclosure and nondisclosure. Research federal and state laws for advanced practice … Read more

discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding ‘The End of Life Option law’ that was recently passed in California and its impact on hospitals.

First, select a topic with both legal and ethical implications faced by professionals in the healthcare setting. Your final paper will discuss the multitude of legal viewpoints, ethical issues, and issues of inter-professionalism related to your topic. You will be required to discuss how values, ethics, and sense of inter-professionalism may shape how the topic … Read more