Pick a topic from the five provided, and write a narrative describing why you chose the topic.

Unit 6: Topic selection, labor\management relations. Pick a topic from the five provided, and write a narrative describing why you chose the topic. Labor Management relations. 1 – 3 paragraphs, excluding the title and reference page. APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced work

What is a commodity chain, and how does this conceptual device help us to better understand the social relations that under gird our food system?

Labor and the Food System What is a commodity chain, and how does this conceptual device help us to better understand the social relations that under gird our food system? Compare and contrast the experiences of workers in the Thai shrimp industry with those in fruit and vegetable production in the United States. What similarities … Read more

Nursing : Write a 250 word essay expressing your interest in a career in labor and delivery and /or women’s health.

Nursing. Write a 250 word essay expressing your interest in a career in labor and delivery and /or women’s health. Include community activities you are currently participating in or have participated in the past that demonstrate a special dedication to nursing and/or nursing organizations.