Discuss the ways that patriarchy and racism intersect and impact Black women in the contemporary moment.

Patriarchy and racism Discuss the ways that patriarchy and racism intersect and impact Black women in the contemporary moment. Using Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality as a frame for your argument, discuss your understanding of racialized and gendered expectations and stereotypes. Your essay should be 3 double-spaced typewritten pages (12 font, standard margins). Your responses … Read more

What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? what, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans and other people of color?”

Response for each question must be 200 words or longer. 1) What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? What, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? Have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans … Read more

Kimberle Crenshaw- Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by Inter-sectionality?

TED Talks presentation: “A Queer Vision of Love and Marriage.” https://youtu.be/lwcvhh4pLjE How do Katrin and Tiq define: Queer, cisgender, transgender? What does love mean for them? TED Talks presentation: Kimberle Crenshaw on “The Urgency of Inter-sectionality.” https://youtu.be/akOe5-UsQ2o Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by “Inter-sectionality?” Describe the “Say Her Name” project. How did it come … Read more