Do you feel like the United States made the right decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan?Discuss.

War Do you feel like the United States made the right decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan?Discuss. Was it necessary to facilitate the end of the war? Was it worth the loss of civilian lives? Do you think all things were considered before making this momentous decision? This essay should contain a minimum of … Read more

Write a reflection pon your recent travels to the China/Japan area for Religious News and explain Prime Minister Abe’s tenets of Shintoism, and compare and contrast Chinese religions to Japanese religions.

Upon your recent travels to the China/Japan area for Religious News, you came across the following article that seemed like major news: Holtz, M. (2016). Japanese prime minister, party leaders seek policies that revive Shinto religion. Christian Century, 133(2), p. 16. Retrieved from auth=CAS&url= direct=true&db=a9h&AN=112343000&site=ehost-live&scope=site As an up-and-coming reporter, you felt it was a … Read more

Describe in 500-700) words, the various ways in which Japan became both more “democratic” and more repressive during the Taishō period, and then the gradual escalation of Japanese militarism and ultranationalism from 1930 to 1945.

Watch the videos and read the book pg207-234 and write an essay following the prompt  Describe (in 500-700) words, the various ways in which Japan became both more “democratic” and more repressive during the Taishō period, and then the gradual escalation of Japanese militarism and ultranationalism from 1930 to 1945. Make sure you touch upon … Read more