What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?

What kind of branding should be used on the content Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization TikTok/Instagram Analysis Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform? What kind of content is best suited for communicating … Read more

What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?

How should video and photographic images be used Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization TikTok/Instagram Analysis Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform? What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with … Read more

Statistical analysis of quantitative data : To what extent does motivation for Instagram usage affects the time spent weekly on the platform by users?

Statistical analysis of quantitative data. To what extent does motivation for Instagram usage affects the time spent weekly on the platform by users? To what extend does the age affect the weekly time spent on Instagram? 1800 words and 2500words

Human Sexuality Op-Ed and Instagram : Explore a specific issue relevant to human sexuality in depth.Search and synthesize peer-reviewed research relevant to your issue.

Human Sexuality Op-Ed and Instagram . Explore a specific issue relevant to human sexuality in depth. Search and synthesize peer-reviewed research relevant to your issue. Communicate about sexual science to a public audience in a persuasive way. Submission, Style, and Formatting Length: 700-900 words Type your paper using 12-point font, single-spaced throughout, and 1-inch margins … Read more

Delivery techniques: how can you develop techniques in your delivery that add excitement, drama, and life to your communication?

Delivery Techniques How can you develop techniques in your delivery that add excitement, drama, and life to your communication? Search the web for information that will be helpful to share. Utilize stories that powerfully illustrate how to use social media, mainly Instagram, to market a service-based business and the overall benefits of computer assisted communication … Read more