Quantitative research methods for social scientists : Identify and explain the four levels of measurements giving an example of each one.Explain what is meant by measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.

Quantitative research methods for social scientists. A brief 1000 word report. Answer the following questions: 1.Identify and explain the four levels of measurements giving an example of each one. 2.Explain what is meant by measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. 3.what is the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? 4: Explain the … Read more

Reflection of the concepts and outcomes learned in class : Demonstrates how and why the particular topic was chosen.Demonstrates that attention was paid to sound experimental design with the proper use of sampling procedures described in detail.

Reflection of the concepts and outcomes learned in class. Throughout the class you have analyzed and discussed peer reviewed articles that use descriptive and inferential statistics. For this assignment, you will write the first three sections of your final paper. You will analyze the article and describe the statistical methods in detail. Your completed final … Read more

Bivariate Table : Discuss how you would interpret the following bivariate table for an imaginary study comparing the effectiveness of two interventions aimed at preventing future child abuse among high-risk parents.

Bivariate Table Discuss how you would interpret the following bivariate table for an imaginary study comparing the effectiveness of two interventions aimed at preventing future child abuse among high-risk parents. Table X: Number of Parents Who Were and Were Not Found to Have Committed Future Abuse, by Type of Intervention. TYPE OF INTERVENTION OUTCOME                      INTERVENTION … Read more

Variable: explain the difference between a population and a sample (from a statistical point of view).

Variable 1. Explain the difference between a population and a sample (from a statistical point of view). (4pts) 2. Explain the difference between quantitative variable and qualitative variable. (4pts) 3. Explain the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. (4pts)

Inferential Statistics-Which inferential statistics are you reporting (correlation or t-test, or both)? Why?

Results. Descriptive Statistics. Describe your sample, including sample size and demographics related to your study. Report descriptive statistics relevant to your RQ and hypothesis main variables. Why are you reporting these? Give reasons. Use the handout template to write out the descriptive results in APA style. See sample papers and readings, writing about statistics can … Read more