Write Aristotle’s virtue ethics and apply it to ONE of the issues covering in the class: Euthanasia, Environmental Ethics, Global Economic Justice, Immigration.

In this paper you will pick ONE of the following theories: Bentham/Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontological ethics, or Aristotle’s virtue ethics and apply it to ONE of the issues covering in the class: Euthanasia, Environmental Ethics, Global Economic Justice, Immigration.  

Choose and write on an issue in the sociology of race and ethnicity : the historical and contemporary management of immigration, historical and contemporary forms of settler colonialism and Indigenous dispossession, racism in overt and covert forms.

Research Paper Choose and write on an issue in the sociology of race and ethnicity : the historical and contemporary management of immigration, historical and contemporary forms of settler colonialism and Indigenous dispossession, racism in overt and covert forms.

Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not?

The Ethics of Immigration. Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not? Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not?

The Ethics of Immigration. Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not? Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not?

The Ethics of Immigration. Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not? Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

Discuss how sections 117A, 117B and 117C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 affect a decision maker’s approach to the deportation of a foreign criminal.

Immigration law Discuss how sections 117A, 117B and 117C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 affect a decision maker’s approach to the deportation of a foreign criminal. Explain what human rights arguments immigration practitioners can make on behalf of their foreign criminal clients who face deportation. In your opinion, should sections 117A, 117B … Read more

Immigration : Summarize, in your own words, the purpose or goal of Arizona Bill SB 1070 and its most controversial provisions.Discuss at least one constitutional challenge to SB 1070.

Immigration Summarize, in your own words, the purpose or goal of Arizona Bill SB 1070 and its most controversial provisions.Discuss at least one constitutional challenge to SB 1070. Review the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD’s) Special Order No. 40 and explain the difference between LAPD Special Order No. 40 and SB 1070, regarding when law … Read more

Immigration Literature Review; describe the statistical methods used for analysis across the articles.

Immigration Literature Review Compare and contrast the research questions in your 5 articles. Compare and contrast the hypotheses being tested across the 5 articles. Compare and contrast the data being examined across the articles. Describe the statistical methods used for analysis across the articles. Compare and contrast the findings across the articles. Compare and contrast … Read more

What laws are in place to encourage legal immigration?

“Today’s Legal Immigrant’s” What laws are in place to encourage legal immigration? What laws are in place to discourage or make legal immigration difficult? What are the different types of visas available for legal immigrants? What is the process for legal immigration? Are there differences in the immigration process for immigrants from different countries or … Read more