What is the subtext or the implied message?

Find an advertisement or song to deconstruct (produced between 2019-present). Post the specific example (direct link or embed it onto the post). Then, deconstruct your chosen example by focusing on at least 2 particular aspects of the example (ex. color, language choice, imagery, etc.) What do you think it is trying to deconstruct? What is … Read more

Write an essay in which you discuss how this care(2022) advertisement addresses/uses the following aspects of interpersonal communication through its wording and imagery.

Advertisement. Watch the following video advertisement, released by global non-profit organization, cae, to celebrate International Women’s Day: CARE. 2022. #HerVoice. International Women’s Day 2022. [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul601bCR79M [Accessed 15 March 2022]. Write an essay (1200 – 1500 words) in which you discuss how this care(2022) advertisement addresses/uses the following aspects of interpersonal communication through … Read more

Write an essay discussing the relationship between the author’s use of two major areas of literary technique, and the larger theme or themes the author intends to convey.

English essay Write an essay discussing the relationship between the author’s use of two major areas of literary technique, and the larger theme or themes the author intends to convey. Show how each technique is employed, and how the use of each technique helps the author develop her or his theme(s). Essays should be typed, … Read more