Choose one of the following and write an essay of minimum of 4 sources, at least 4 different quotes in the essay .

Essay Choose one of the following and write an essay of minimum of 4 sources, at least 4 different quotes in the essay . -naturalism in the story of the jungle -naturalism in the open boat by Stephen crane -analyze a poem from Hughes -analyze a poem from Cullen -passing and modernism -compare and contrast … Read more

Address examples of how you collect data from your students and how you use that data. Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data? What methods worked well for you?

Data Collection from Preschooler. Roblyer & Hughes (2019) discuss the importance and use of data collection and analysis in Chapter 4. Address examples of how you collect data from your students and how you use that data. Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data? What methods worked well for you?

In a few words, discuss each poem in terms of how it speaks to (A) your mind and (B) your feelings.

Read “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” page 257, and listen to Langston Hughes reading his poem on this link Read “I Too,” page 257, and listen to Langston reading it on this link Read “Mother to Son”, page 261 and listen to Hughes read it on this link Poetry speaks to the mind (intellect) of … Read more