Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel : Provide at least five sentences, and a personal opinion about the Tennessee school board voting to ban this graphic novel from 8th grade.

Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel details his parents’ experiences in Nazi camps during the holocaust. Provide at least five sentences, and a personal opinion about the Tennessee school board voting to ban this graphic novel from 8th grade.

If science suggests linear progress, how does the 20th Century complicate THAT myth? Can history be used to complicate what we mean by science, which is afterall, conducted by scientists fallible people?

Science How can science work both as a positive  discourse positing human perfectibility and the order of Nature, and as a dangerously impersonal, dehumanizing discourse that allowed for millions of human “specimens” to be experimented on, and then exterminated during the Holocaust? What does it mean for Levi to turn to science to tell his … Read more

Kassow’s book: what is the role of the introduction?how does it help Kassow establish and reach his goals for the book?

Kassow’s book The book is written on three levels. It functions as a biography of Emanuel Ringelblum, as a history of the Holocaust (in Warsaw, at least), and as a consideration of the role of the historian in history. What is the role of the introduction? How does it help Kassow establish and reach his … Read more

NAZI GERMANY AND THE HOLOCAUST:how did the Nazis plan and execute the Holocaust?was the Holocaust well planned and executed, or did it simply evolve as a by-product of world war II?

 NAZI GERMANY AND THE HOLOCAUST The scope of this course is to trace the origins, chronology, and events of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, to examine the NSDAP’s (National sozialistische Deutscher Arbeiter Partei, or National Socialist German Workers’ Party, hence Nazi) early years after World War I through 1945, its impact upon society, government, laws, … Read more