select a celebrity of choice Donald Trump and then imagine that their celebrity is downgraded to the lifestyle of an “average” human being.

Students will work in groups of 6 for this assignment. Together, each group will select a celebrity of choice Donald Trump and then imagine that their celebrity is downgraded to the lifestyle of an “average” human being. This means that they have to scale their lifestyle down to a salary of $45,000 a year, find … Read more

Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.

The Studio System The Studio System Key point about the studio system could be: Despite being one of the biggest industries in the United States, indeed the World, the internal workings of the ‘dream factory’ that is Hollywood is little understood outside the business. Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of … Read more

Sherry B. Ortner (2012) suggests that American independent filmmakers produce films that are, in many respects, ‘against Hollywood’. How does My Own Private Idaho both reinforce and problematise this proposition?

Film history Essay – 2,700-3,300wordsSherry B. Ortner (2012) suggests that American independent filmmakers produce films that are, in many respects, ‘against Hollywood’. How does My Own Private Idaho both reinforce and problematise this proposition? Materials American Independent Cinema: New Queer CinemaMy Own Private Idaho (Gus van Sant, USA 1991)Film Link: Reading:Rich, B. Ruby (1992) … Read more