With reference to this quotation, discuss what happens when material objects associated with writers are discovered and/or preserved in the work of two or more authors you have studied .

Choose one of the 2 questions to answer. 1.‘His early death had been the only dark spot in his life, unless the papers in Miss Bordereau’s hands should perversely bring out others’ (Henry James). With reference to this quotation, discuss what happens when material objects associated with writers are discovered and/or preserved in the work … Read more

Read “The Madonna of the Future” and “The Hunger Artist” .Then, in the Reply box below, write a response essay with at least 500 words of your own writing.

“The Madonna of the Future” by Henry James, and “The Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka. Read “The Madonna of the Future”  and “The Hunger Artist” .Then, in the Reply box below, write a response essay with at least 500 words of your own writing. These authors are literary giants. Both stories are in Fifty Great … Read more

American Literature  Author/Work Paper and Presentation : Write a paper on both the author and work

American Literature  Author/Work Paper and Presentation Author is Henry James and story is “Daisy Miller.” A.Write a paper on both the author and work B.When writing your paper, it will be done in MLA style. All sources used throughout the papershould be cited within the paper and in a Works Cited page. This includes the … Read more