Create, share, and discuss an educational infographic and supporting 1-2 page handout that educates the general public about a neurological or psychological sensory, perpetuate or motor disorder of your choice.

Educational Infographic and Handout Create, share, and discuss an educational infographic and supporting 1-2 page handout that educates the general public about a neurological or psychological sensory, perpetuate or motor disorder of your choice. Create a scientifically accurate yet publicly understandable infographic and accompanying handout suitable for a general audience.

Follow the close reading handout and identify at least three-four passages that you believe have a relationship to each other in your observations of the story.

Close reading handout Follow the close reading handout and identify at least three-four passages that you believe have a relationship to each other in your observations of the story. Focus on how one or more literary devices contribute to your chosen stories overall meaning. Analyze both content and form in your chosen short story.