Use one of the following Literary Theories by which to analyze and then write about Hamlet.

The Oedipus Complex, In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare 1. Use one of the following Literary Theories by which to analyze and then write about HAMLET: Marxist/Worker’s/Socioeconomic Feminist Psychoanalytic/Freudian/Jungian Reader-Response Historical New Critical/Formalist Structuralist/Archetype/Mythological 2. Read all relevant information  pertaining to HAMLET. 3. Adhere to the MLA Guidelines; Times New Roman, twelve-point font, double-spaced, one inch … Read more

To what extent is a fantasy of ‘elsewhere’ significant in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy?

Hamlet and The Spanish Tragedy To what extent is a fantasy of ‘elsewhere’ significant in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy? In your answer, you must also demonstrate significant evidence of independent study through reference to critical sources and/or other sources from outside the directed teaching material.

Analyze hamlet’s ever-changing treatment of the Idea of death. How does Hamlet’s understanding of death in the afterlife change over the course of the play, and what explanation does Shakespeare offer for this development and Hamlet’s character?

Death and mortality Analyze hamlet’s ever-changing treatment of the Idea of death. How does Hamlet’s understanding of death in the afterlife change over the course of the play, and what explanation does Shakespeare offer for this development and Hamlet’s character? There should be At least two quotes out of the novel/play hamlet to support your … Read more

Hamlet Essay : Choose one of the plays discussed in class and write about the themes, ideas, or staging of that play.

Hamlet Essay Choose one of the plays discussed in class and write about the themes, ideas, or staging of that play. Use quotes from the play to prove their point. Requirements: – 2-3 pages length w/ additional works cited page – 3-5 quotes from primary source (our text) – 1-2 secondary sources required and should … Read more

William Shakespeare :Explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your claim.

William Shakespeare “William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet argues that revenge is a fundamentally corruptive pursuit” is an example of an analysis and a good Claim.. The first example is bad because it’s just what happens in the play. The second example is good because it articulates the implied argument of the work as a whole. Explain … Read more

What is Shakespeare telling us about his play and our lives through your chosen theme?what is he trying to tell his readers through it and his play?

Examine an idea or theme, which runs throughout the text of Hamlet and relates to the class focus on gender. Ideally, you can build upon work from your last homework (but, if you need to refocus, then that’s fine, too!). You will closely analyze moments when your chosen idea appears and consider the idea’s importance … Read more

The Character Analysis of Hamlet “The Prince of Denmark”: choose a character from the play and explain how the character work as an artistic creation, how does Shakespeare create such depth in so many characters.

The Character Analysis of Hamlet “The Prince of Denmark” Choose a character from the play and explain how the character work as an artistic creation, how does Shakespeare create such depth in so many characters . Research could go in the psychological direction ( the nature of Hamlet’s madness – pretend or real – or … Read more