What are the major goods and services exported from the U.S. to the trading partner?

Trading Submit an analysis of trade between the U.S. and the trading partner you have chosen by completing the six questions that follow. Be sure to identify your sources for any descriptive or factual information. 1) Provide a brief description of the country/ trading partner you have chosen. The description should include the name of … Read more

Describe the business cycle, identify the primary measure of unemployment and define “full employment”, identify the primary measure of inflation and distinguish between demand-pull and cost-push inflation.

Gross Domestic Product, Economic Growth, and Unemployment Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP),identify the four expenditure categories in the equation GDP = C + I + G + Xn and identify the measurement and sources of economic growth. Describe the business cycle, identify the primary measure of unemployment and define “full employment”, identify the primary measure … Read more

Gross Domestic Product: how does gross domestic product (GDP) affect currency exchange rates?

Gross Domestic Product How does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) affect currency exchange rates? One way to answer such a question is by using regression analysis. Complete the following: Download the dataset GDP.xls (Links to an external site.) from the course website. Using R, create a scatter plot for GDP vs. US/EUR. Comment on the relationship. … Read more