From your personal experience or from what you have witnessed in practice explain how you would effectively support and supervise students.

Leadership and Management in Children and Young Peoples Nursing. Produce 750 words Task From your personal experience or from what you have witnessed in practice explain how you would effectively support and supervise students. Refer to the Nursing and Midwifery (NMC) Education Standards and consider how your role may develop as a newly qualified nurse … Read more

Drawing on our own current cultural and/or political environment provide three of your own examples of “Doublethink” from it and explain them. What do you think they say about our society?

Doublethink What is Doublethink? Give an example from the text and explain it. Drawing on our own current cultural and/or political environment provide three of your own examples of “Doublethink” from it and explain them. What do you think they say about our society?

What is “Newspeak” and what are its principles, and what is its ultimate function or purpose? Why is this word, “Newspeak” used to describe this type of speech? What are the significances of this name? Provide 2 examples.

Newspeak What is “Newspeak” and what are its principles, and what is its ultimate function or purpose? Why is this word, “Newspeak” used to describe this type of speech? What are the significance of this name? Provide 2 examples.

What is the nature of a totalitarian regime? Provide examples of the world of 1984 which illustrate it as totalitarian.

Totalitarian The political regime of Orwell’s 1984 is often described as “totalitarian”. What is the nature of a totalitarian regime? Provide examples of the world of 1984 which illustrate it as totalitarian. What is a panopticon and what is panopticonism? (see PowerPoint & videos)

Briefly describe the key concerns of the anti-psychiatry movement. Evaluate the accuracy of these views. Do you agree with these views or at least some of the concerns? What evidence supports your opinion

Anti-psychiatry movement Thomas Szasz was a leader of the anti-psychiatry movement in the 1960s. Briefly describe the key concerns of the anti-psychiatry movement. Evaluate the accuracy of these views. Do you agree with these views or at least some of the concerns? What evidence supports your opinion

Within the context of this document, write to the Attorney General of Rhode Island and explain your concerns about privacy issues, biometrics, and data collection techniques being considered by police departments in Rhode Island.

BLUF assignment Take the position of an analyst assigned to a panel tasked with researching potential concerns that affect technology and its negative implications on policies and laws. Within the context of this document, write to the Attorney General of Rhode Island and explain your concerns about privacy issues, biometrics, and data collection techniques being … Read more

Migrant workers and immigrants : Develop a PowerPoint presentation to communicate your observations and research.

Migrant workers and immigrants Select a vulnerable population in your community which will be Migrant workers and immigrants. To do this, conduct a windshield survey in your community (Homestead, FL). A windshield survey is completed by observing a population by looking out of a window of your car (or a bus, or riding your bike) … Read more

Read “The Madonna of the Future” and “The Hunger Artist” .Then, in the Reply box below, write a response essay with at least 500 words of your own writing.

“The Madonna of the Future” by Henry James, and “The Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka. Read “The Madonna of the Future”  and “The Hunger Artist” .Then, in the Reply box below, write a response essay with at least 500 words of your own writing. These authors are literary giants. Both stories are in Fifty Great … Read more