How well does the artist delivery their message ( rhyme scheme, vocal cadence etc) ?

Nas Illmatic album review Write a 1-2 page review (min 400 words) in MLA format on the Nas album entitled “Illmatic “. use the criteria listed below to rate and critique the album. Spotify link – Youtube link- Rating scale out of a total of 80. rate each one out of 10 Innovation- … Read more

Which respects do you differ with Boterbloem’s assessment of Vladimir Putin and the prospects for Ukraine and Russia of five years ago?

Historians have begun to distinguish a difference in the unfolding of the Holocaust in eastern and western Europe Answer BOTH questions in the form of an essay, using full, grammatically correct, sentences. Address all the points raised in each set of questions. Use no more than approximately 500 words per essay. Historians have begun to … Read more

How would you answer the client’s concern that you did not identify the problems in the payroll system or even advise them of the internal control weakness?

Identify two major inherent risks and explain why you believe they are inherent risks. Case Information:  You are the audit senior of High-Quality Equipment Pty Limited (HQE), a consumer electronics and home appliances manufacturing company. Mobile Technology Pty Ltd (MT), a publicly listed company in the United States, is a mobile phone manufacturer. HQE is … Read more

Create a structure chart for a function which yields the average employee self-evaluation, grouped by department, for a given two week period.

Choosing between using a simple Word Press template and designing the system from scratch. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN You are tasked with designing a system that allows employees to evaluate their own job performance on a bi-weekly basis. You are choosing between using a simple Word Press template and designing the system from scratch. Fill … Read more

Develop a new “rights” organization to address some aspect of oppression in contemporary society.

FINAL EXAMINATION ASSIGNMENT: Develop a new “rights” organization to address some aspect of oppression in contemporary society. Your presentation can be either a 700-word (minimum) oral presentation that covers the required information a 300-word description of your organization accompanied by a power point presentation of about eight to ten slides a 300-word description of your … Read more

What significant events or people have contributed to your socialization related to this social justice issue?

Think about how your social identities relate to marginalization and oppression in our society. Resistance Project Instructions: Visual Representation Create a visual art piece using a symbolic tree or plant to illustrate the processes you described in response to the prompts. Include the following elements in your art piece. Examples Roots: Foundation The roots represent … Read more

What are better ways to encourage women and children to report sexual exploitation?

States enact sex registries to protect children from sex crimes. In Jordheim’s text we read about Kate’s story. Kate discusses how members of her family traffic her as she’s growing up. When she enters a recovery center she starts to reveal what happened to her over the years. She relates questions that many people would … Read more

Explain the exception to this rule as it relates to contracts for Necessaries.

Legal Environment of Business (low101)             Discussion post (100 words) and one response to peer. In our study of chapter 16 we learned that minors (those under the age of 18) have only limited capacity to contract.  Explain the exception to this rule as it relates to contracts for Necessaries.  … Read more

How relevant has cultural competency been to the type of services you are able to provide?

Overview of the professional setting and what types of services professionals in this setting provide. There is tremendous value in learning from and networking with community rehabilitation practitioners on “the front lines.” New helping professionals often have many questions, concerns, and anxieties that can be uniquely addressed by individuals in the field. Based on a … Read more

Given the information above, discuss if covered interest arbitrage worthwhile for an US investor who has US dollars to invest (assume the investor invests $1,000,000) Explain with calculations.

If Relative Purchasing Power Parity held what would you expect the GBP/EUR exchange rate to be in 6 months’ time Answer and show working out with the following maths questions: Assume the following information Quoted price Spot rate of Euro 0.80 USD 90 day forward rate of Euro 0.79 USD 90 day European interest rate … Read more