What is your family and cultural background, and how does that affect the person you are?

Discussion 2 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What is your family and cultural background, and how does that affect the person you are? How has each new experience or setting changed the way you think? Has this led to increased flexibility and awareness of the many possibilities that are yours? … Read more

develops a conceptual model that supports and aligns supply chain strategies with organizational culture and leadership styles.

Enhancing Supply Chain Practices The summary of the article states: “This article develops a conceptual model that supports and aligns supply chain strategies with organizational culture and leadership styles.” QUESTION TO ANSWER: How does it do that? Summarize your understanding with citations from the article.    

Develop one question yourself that can be answered with the information included in this dataset.

Create a Test Plan with two or three test cases that demonstrate your code works as intended Overview Step 1: Algorithm Description. Use an algorithm and a flow chart to develop and express your algorithm that accomplishes the given task. Remember, you have to be very explicit and clear to make sure one can actually … Read more

What message or messages do you think this show trying to convey to Americans about family life?

Choose one of the following popular 1950s television family situation comedies (sitcoms) and watch at least 2 episodes: “Father Knows Best” (1954-1960) “Leave it to Beaver” (1957-1963) “The Danny Thomas Show – Make Room for Daddy” (1953-1964) “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” (1952-1966) “The Donna Reed Show” (1958-1966) Conduct outside research on the American … Read more

How your assessments, both formative and summative, can be differentiated to meet the needs of various students.

How the ethical use of various assessments and data guides you to identify students’ strengths and needs to promote growth. In Topic 4, you created a wax museum project for your students. In order to modify, strengthen, and adjust instruction as students are creating the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively … Read more

Define and/describe the Conflict theory on family and apply it to your family.

Define/describe the four key functions of family. Introductory Sociology approach this activity. Instructions Review the functionalist perspectives on family from Theoretical Perspectives of Family. Define/describe the four key functions of family. Apply and discuss the four key functions to your family of orientation (the family you grew up in) or family of procreation (your spouse … Read more

Describe basic router configuration necessary for router maintenance and operation

CMIT 351 Project 2 Description Intro: ACME University IT has reviewed the results from your prototype and now wants to move forward with an adjusted set of requirements. You will need to implement layer 2 segmentation to control broadcast domains and increase Local Area Network (LAN) performance but also provide routing between segments. Scenario: IT … Read more

Discuss what you believe to be the responsibility of music producers/publishers to address social issues.

Description After reading this report from N PR.org, discuss what you believe to be the responsibility of music producers/publishers to address social issues. https://www.n pr.o rg/2020/06/03/8 68 9 16108/wa r ner-music-group-debuts-on-wall-street-promises-social-justice-support  

Research and understand the importance of visual design trends like color, typography and layout for communicating with a specific audience.

Understanding Throughout this module you learned the significance of Information Literacy to the design field and how to leverage this skill as a designer. In this week’s discussion post you also need to research and understand the importance of visual design trends like color, typography and layout for communicating with a specific audience. Now it … Read more