Do you agree with the authors that statistics is important? Why? Feel free to provide your own examples of a valuable statistical study.

Statistics First download and read the article “Using Real-World Examples to Enhance the Relevance of the Introductory Statistics Course” by Friedman, Friedman and Amoo. Download it HERE or Here is the link: Write a critique of the paper. Do you agree with the authors that statistics is important? Why? Feel free to provide … Read more

Friedman distinguishes between the two concepts that: (a) businesses really do act in ways to maximize profit and (b) businesses have a moral responsibility or, as he puts it, a social responsibility to act to maximize profit. How does he defend the latter position?

Write a brief essay answering one of the questions below. Friedman distinguishes between the two concepts that: (a) businesses really do act in ways to maximize profit and (b) businesses have a moral responsibility or, as he puts it, a social responsibility to act to maximize profit. How does he defend the latter position? See … Read more