Would you be interested in publishing a future version of this story?

Do you think this story would be banned, why or why not Childrens story READ CAREFULLY! You are going to construct your own children’s story as a final project for this course. Create a story about a kid having two mothers as parents. Your book must try to educate students on a particular topic and … Read more

Describe what freedom meant to the Indians and how that conflicted with the interests and values of most white Americans.Explain why white Americans did not allow Indians the opportunity to have American citizenship.

Freedom. Sitting Bull stated, “The life my people want is a life of freedom.” Likewise, Chief Joseph simply asked the government for equal rights enshrined by the laws. Describe what freedom meant to the Indians and how that conflicted with the interests and values of most white Americans.Explain why white Americans did not allow Indians … Read more

Using what you know about cultural relativism, defend or criticize their position.

The Right to Deny Service Private business owners argue that they have the right to deny services to people to whom they object based on religious beliefs. Read the following link to learn more. “Freedom or Oppression? That’s the Question for Arizona’s SB1062.” CNN.com. 26 February 2014. (Links to an external site.) Using what you … Read more

What do you think?Explain whether you agree with Beauvoir about ethics, and how the primary obligation each of us has is to advance the cause of every person’s freedom. If she’s wrong, what makes her wrong? But if she’s right, what’s one concrete step you could take in the direction of freedom as she understands it?

Freedom What do you think?Explain whether you agree with Beauvoir about ethics, and how the primary obligation each of us has is to advance the cause of every person’s freedom. If she’s wrong, what makes her wrong? But if she’s right, what’s one concrete step you could take in the direction of freedom as she … Read more

Is it by being the author of identity that freedom is possible ?Explain.

Freedom Today’s culture is life with clichés and preconceptions about freedom, beginning with the idea that freedom is nothing more than the ability to “do what you want. This course has modestly attempted to go beyond this simplified view to explore the conditions and limits of freedom. But the subject remains inexhaustible and complex. Rousseau, … Read more

Discuss, in a 3-page paper, one of the following topics Democracy, Freedom, Independence, Responsibility, Duty, or Rights.

Democracy Discuss, in a 3-page paper, one of the following topics Democracy, Freedom, Independence, Responsibility, Duty, or Rights. You can choose any writing style you choose The minimum acceptable paper will be 2 complete pages  papers will be at least 3 full pages, contain the elements of the type of writing, and properly introduce and … Read more

Discuss the role that innovation plays in your organization, the sources of innovation and how can innovation be leveraged by the organization in order to address society’s grand challenges.

Organisation & Climate Emergency COURSEWORK 3,000 words +/-10% Choose an organization Your coursework will have to ultimately answer the following question: What would it take to make your organization a leader in its sector in tackling the climate emergency? Formulate recommendations and explain how you will measure success. You have freedom in how you structure … Read more

Struggle for freedom : Compare how two different works from Module 3 portray the struggle for freedom.What are characters fighting for and against?

Struggle for freedom Compare how two different works from Module 3 portray the struggle for freedom. What are characters fighting for and against? What argument does each text seem to be making about this concept? Use specific evidence from both works to support your answer. Technical Requirements: The 2 works you are going to use will be … Read more