What are the main subjects and themes of Rococo art? How do these differ from the Baroque art that we discussed in the previous module ?

The Rococo style The Rococo style grew out of the late Baroque style in France and became popular among the French aristocrats who moved from Versailles to Paris after the death of Louis XIV. Neoclassicism then emerged as a stark contrast to Rococo tastes in support of the French Revolution. Respond to each of the … Read more

Assume that you have been offered a management opportunity in France for a five-year period beginning in October 2022. Find at least three specific websites or other resources that would assist you in preparing to live and work in that country.

Management Assume that you have been offered a management opportunity in France for a five-year period beginning in October 2022. Find at least three specific websites or other resources that would assist you in preparing to live and work in that country.

Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations.

Looking at society through different eyes Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations. The three writers are Lao-Tzu (China), Christian de Pizan (France), and Machiavelli (Italy). You are going to approach it through Aristotle’s pathos, ethos, and logos. By … Read more

French White Paper : Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France.

French White Paper Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France. Explain how understanding the historical context of modern France is imperative to understanding and responding to the current events. Introduction: Explain the topic in more depth by reporting … Read more

France’s veiled islamophobia : Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?

France’s veiled islamophobia Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views? Are voters of anti-immigration parties truly anti-immigrants or is it blatant islamophobia ? Instructions: Approximately 500 words

The Political Gap Between France and Egypt: Provide a brief political history of each state. No more than two pages for each state. Specify the political-economic system and regime type of each state.

The Political Gap Between France and Egypt Provide a brief political history of each state. No more than two pages for each state. Specify the political-economic system and regime type of each state. Explain whether the country is a developed democracy, communist, post-communist, or developing state. This should be at least one complete paragraph with … Read more

Compare and contrast in 1 full page about the two different statements the poets are making in these poems about the role of man and nature.

Although written over a hundred years apart, Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and Yeats’ “Leda and the Swan” are both poems that reflect on particular moments in time and meditate on their historical significance. For Wordsworth, the moment was the beginning of the social revolution in France, and for Yeats it was the aftermath of the First … Read more

Compose a 3 paper page about Art Nouveau focusing on France, other things in Art Nouveau period and 3 artists: Eugène Grasset,Alphonse Mucha  and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

Art Nouveau – France (Early and Later) Compose a 3 paper page about Art Nouveau focusing on France, other things in Art Nouveau period and 3 artists: Eugène Grasset,Alphonse Mucha  and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

Comparative government: France and Balerus: how are the issues in each of the two countries different?

Comparative government: France and Balerus Research on France and Balerus Analysis  How are the issues in each of the two countries different? How are they the same? Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country? What can you say about the government’s ability to solve these problems? Are there any … Read more