Assess if the United States foreign policy during the 1930s helped to promote World War II. Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II? If so, how? If not, why not?

World War II For the initial post, consider three (3) of the following events: Treaty of Versailles. Rise of fascism, militarism and imperialism. Failure of the League of Nations. Hitler and the Nazi Party. The Lend Lease Act. Japanese expansion and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Based on your three selections, choose two (2) of … Read more

Assess if the United States foreign policy during the 1930s helped to promote World War II. Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II? If so, how? If not, why not?

World War II Consider three (3) of the following events: 1.Treaty of Versailles 2.Rise of fascism, militarism and imperialism 3. Failure of the League of Nations 4. Hitler and the Nazi Party 5. The Lend Lease Act 6. Japanese expansion and the bombing of Pearl Harbor**** Assess if the United States foreign policy during the … Read more

To what extent did President Barack Obama manage to change the direction of US foreign policy?Discuss.

Foreign policy To what extent did President Barack Obama manage to change the direction of US foreign policy?Discuss. Your essay should be 3000 words, exclusive of footnotes (endnotes) and bibliography. It should be typed, double-spaced, properly footnoted, and include a bibliography of the books, articles, and other source material used for the assignment.

What authority does the president have in creating foreign policy? Has it shifted over time?

A common belief among academics is that foreign affairs and national defense issues have very little impact on presidential campaigns (Aldrich, et al 1989). One theory is that voters are more concerned about domestic issues – their own economic concerns, for example. Another theory (Aldrich, et al 1989) is that there is very little difference … Read more

Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920.

American Foreign Policy between 1890 and 1920 Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920. Do you think that our foreign policy was driven primarily by considerations of morality and high-minded ideology or by pragmatic economic and strategic considerations based on American self-interest? Use specific examples regarding American policy … Read more

Describe the president’s policies toward Europe and Latin America, as well as Asia and Africa if applicable.

Project 2 Evaluation 32 American History 2 SSTH 034 060 Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page! This project will count for … Read more