What are the starting substrates for the fermentation products in your food samples?

Fermentation Fermentation is one of the oldest food preservative methods in history. Find three foods in your house that are produced by fermentation and yield positive health benefits to the human body. What is the shelf life of these products? What are the microbes responsible for the fermentation products and describe the fermentation products found … Read more

Sugar Industry: critically discuss how companies that produce chocolate bars, may react to an increase in the price of sugar, both in the short-run and long-run.          

Sugar Industry 1. More than 90 per cent of the world’s ethanol is made by fermentation using sugar from plant material. Explain how the market for ethanol may impact the market for sugar used in confectionery. Illustrate your argument using the appropriate diagrams.                                                                                       (Max 250 words )2. Critically discuss how companies that produce chocolate … Read more