Examine at least one or two of the “core concepts” through which the textbook editors frame their approach to contemporary feminist theory.

Feminist Theory Reader Carole R. McCann (Editor) & Seung-Kyung Kim (Editor), 2016 1. Examine at least one or two of the “core concepts” through which the textbook editors frame their approach to contemporary feminist theory. (total 20 points) 2. Your primary source material for these core concepts should be the essays in the textbook (at … Read more

Discuss how the fast-food industry has changed our nation and impacted our health.

Discuss how the fast-food industry has changed our nation and impacted our health. Include: 1. Introduce your research proposal by reflecting on how you came to be interested in the topic, your role as a researcher in this specific context, and by clearly outlining your research question(s). Make sure to address the ‘so what?’ question … Read more

Protest art: define protest art. what does it mean to you? what kinds of issues to protest artists address?

A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist and political and protest art 1. What is the author’s main argument in this essay? What/who is she criticizing? 2. What is the “single-axis framework” the author is referring to? 3. What is the author’s call to action? What is she suggesting should happen? … Read more