Did you learn new concepts that you were unaware of before-If so, which made the strongest impression on you?

Based on what you learned this term, is it important that we study this particular topic in detail during our university education experience Discussion Now that we are at the conclusion of the course, let’s revisit our initial DB prompt during week 1. In that prompt, we defined the concept of “women’s studies” or “women’s … Read more

Consider the causes and effects of the new feminism of the late 1960s. What accounts for the feminist movement’s rapid impact on American society? Do you think the “Me Too” Movement is a continuation and broadening of this movement?

Feminism In essay format, answer the questions below: 1. Consider the causes and effects of the new feminism of the late 1960s. What accounts for the feminist movement’s rapid impact on American society? Do you think the “Me Too” Movement is a continuation and broadening of this movement? 2. Can laws ensure sexual equality? Are … Read more

Explain how feminism has brought today and how its meaning has been distorted with the lens of literature

Feminism Explain how feminism has brought today and how its meaning has been distorted with the lens of literature Paper details: 1. Finding historical steps from literature. (mainly on literature review.) 2. Adding more literature for comparison is fine, but it should contain “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman specifically, and “Egalia’s Daughters “by … Read more

Feminism : Is Lorde correct about the call for unity across difference? Do you agree with Lorde’s position? Or are women’s movements more effective only when they focus and draw on sexuality?

Feminism Essay Question: Is Lorde correct about the call for unity across difference? Do you agree with Lorde’s position? Or are women’s movements more effective only when they focus and draw on sexuality? Be sure to carefully explain Lorde’s position.  

Women’s Studies / Motherhood in the real world: how does Feminism conceptualize the experience of motherhood within the continuous impact of societal and cultural discourses.

Women’s Studies / Motherhood in the real world •How does Feminism conceptualize the experience of motherhood within the continuous impact of societal and cultural discourses. Should be a full 3 pages or 4. Should have an argument statement, identify key terms, and organized paragraph format to present the ideas. e Textbook used for this class … Read more