Share a creative solution to a positive or negative externality from your own life with the class.

Externality. View the video below. Answer the questions below in 2 paragraphs. o Characterize the it positive or negative? Possible command & control solutions? Market-based solutions? Private Solutions? o Share a creative solution to a positive or negative externality from your own life with the class.

Describe two alternatives to a carbon tax for mitigating the impacts of externalities associated with carbon. Explain why you think these options could be effective?

SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Explain the term externality in an economic context in your own words. Provide an example of a positive externality which does not involve carbon. It should be well thought out and provide enough detail for the reader to fully understand your example (2-3 sentences). Provide an example of a negative externality which does … Read more

Compose a 250 word (max) discussion of if and how you could use a market-based solution (similar to the one in the video) to align incentives to correct the externality in your community.

Step 1. Please watch the TED talk by Rob Harmon discussion about markets helping keep streams in Montana flowing (Duration – 8 minutes 47 seconds) Rob Harmon TED talk (Links to an external site.) Step 2. Virtually explore your own neighborhood, town, or city and find an example of a negative externality. Step 3. Tell … Read more