Ethnocentrism : Have you seen signs of increasing diversity in your community.How does this reading connect to cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism Read: Reflecting a demographic shift, 109 U.S. counties have become majority nonwhite since 2000 Answer the following: Have you seen signs of increasing diversity in your community.How does this reading connect to cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? Using your sociological perspective, what do you think are the short-term and long-term effects of these demographic changes? … Read more

Define both concepts in a few paragraphs using some current examples of criminal activities that impact United States as well as some other country/countries around the your posts address the benefits of both approaches.

Nelken, 2009 discusses the differences between ethnocentrism and relativism with regard to the value of studying comparative Criminal Justice System. Define both concepts in a few paragraphs using some current examples of criminal activities that impact United States as well as some other country/countries around the world. In your posts address the benefits of both … Read more

Explain what the Christian faith says about compassion for those who are oppressed and/or marginalized and how you see that applying or not applying to these issues of diversity.

Ethnocentrism and racism are factors that can adversely affect the growth and development of minority group members. Because ethnic and racial conflict play a significant role in human history and current events, you will take time to reflect on these topics and then write a paper addressing the following: 1) Introductory paragraph that introduces the … Read more